
Newsroom @ Missional University

delivering news and updates about Missional University

Missional Upsurge Network

Members of the Missional Upsurge Network are an inner circle of supporters who actively participate in expanding global missional education. This is an opportunity to join together with fellow Christian believers from across the globe to pray, promote and give to the cause of equipping God’s people to join the mission of God in the world.

Day 2: Missional Christmas

Two Missional Opportunities The appearance of Jesus in the stable that night long ago begged the question which has been discussed and proclaimed ever since then: So, why did Jesus come? What was the mission for which he was sent? Why was he here? Luke writes about his return to Nazareth where he read from […]

Day 1: Missional Christmas

A Christian on a Unique Mission While the Christmas season is a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus – it is so much more. It is also a time to reflect on the significance of the story. God the Father sends his only son into the world to be born of a virgin. This […]

Inside Scoop: Missional Video Conference Online on January 23

University Chaplain, Provost and Dean of Online Education to share at the Online Video Conference of the Missional Upsurge Network. Everyone is invited to get this fresh update on Missional University. Upcoming Event on January 23rd @ 8:00 PM EST (UTC -5) Each month we host an informative online event where participants get updates on […]