Learning to Spear Hunt Among Ethiopian Chabu Adolescent Hunter-Gatherers
Research indicates that children in small-scale cultures acquire many subsistence skills and knowledge relatively easily and quickly at an early age. However, the precise age and the developmental sequence of acquiring skills and knowledge are seldom described. Considerable debate also exists as to the importance of particular modes (e.g., vertical, horizontal, and oblique) and processes (e.g., role of teaching) […]

Japanese in Latin America: Perspectives on Diaspora, Hybridity & the Missio Dei
Dr. Gary Fujino will be giving a presentation at the Hybridity, Diaspora, and Missio Dei: Exploring New Horizons Consultation sponsored by the Global Disaspora Network of the Lausanne Movement in Manila, Philippines in June of 2018. The presentation will discuss the missional implications of the Japanese migration to Brazil which begin in 1908. Today it is estimated that […]