FREE Jumpstart to a Missional New Year
Jumpstart a Missional New Year Free Course. Limited Seats. Happy New Year! We are so excited about this that we wanted to pass this on to you right away. We have cohorts forming to take a course by Prof. David Brazzeal on missional spirituality starting in January and in March. We decided to offer this […]

Missionaries from everywhere to everywhere: A delphi study to identify the emerging roles of United States missionaries in the majority world
The geographic center of Christianity has shifted from the West. Countries once receiving missionaries are sending their own. What should be the roles of United States (US) missionaries serving in these countries? The current study identified the emerging roles of US missionaries serving in the Majority World through utilization of the Delphi method for consensus. The Majority World referred […]

Urban Hinterlands: Planting the Gospel in Uncool Places
Dr. Sean Benesh recently published Urban Hinterlands: Planting the Gospel in Uncool Places (White Blackbird Books, 2017). Urban Hinterlands delves into not simply planting the Gospel and new churches in uncool places, but wrestles with our perceptions of what makes cities truly livable. Wrapped up into this are frank conversations and confessions about motives in church planting, […]