FREE Jumpstart to a Missional New Year
Jumpstart a Missional New Year Free Course. Limited Seats. Happy New Year! We are so excited about this that we wanted to pass this on to you right away. We have cohorts forming to take a course by Prof. David Brazzeal on missional spirituality starting in January and in March. We decided to offer this […]
Millennials at MU: Finding Your Purpose, Passion, Mission
Missional University has a lot to offer: online, global, Biblically-based education that trains and equips people to be part of God’s mission in the world. Want to make a difference? MU can teach you how to tap into your God-given gifts and talents and use them in a way to reach people in your community […]

BE MISSIONAL, as you were DESIGNED to be.
Missional University will prepare you for more than a career. At MU, you’ll learn how to serve in the mission of God as your mission. Six schools work together to bring you an interdisciplinary education that integrates a unique missional study of the Bible, missional practice, and certificate or full degree programs in the study […]
Meet Missional University, an online, global, Christian university!
Missional University helps Christian believers make a greater impact in their neighborhoods, communities and the world through education that is rooted in the mission of God in this world. Visit MU at or email for more information! The university is redefining how Christian lay people and clergy professionals learn through an engaging online […]