MU Chaplain Discusses Missional Value: Practically-Minded
Dr. Stan Smith, University Chaplain, discusses the core value of Missional University: “Practically-Minded.” A central focus of Missional University is helping students to have practical understanding of doing missional ministry through application of their field of study in their service in the mission of God in the world.
MU Chaplain Discusses Missional Value: Missionally-Driven
Dr. Stan Smith, University Chaplain, discusses the core value of Missional University: “Missionally-Driven.” A major uniqueness of Missional University is that we believe that every Christ-follower should be a part of the fulfillment of God mission in the world.
MU Chaplain Discusses Missional Value: Interculturally-focused
Dr. Stan Smith, University Chaplain, discusses the core value of Missional University: “Interculturally-Focused” with the faculty and staff on his biweekly vlog. Dr. Smith discusses ways in which Missional University seeks to be interculturally-focused.
MU Chaplain Discusses Missional Value: Biblically-Based
Dr. Stan Smith, University Chaplain, discusses the first core value of Missional University: “Biblically-based.” Biblically-based teaching presses everything we do and say at Missional University through the filter of God’s word.
MU Chaplain Speaks on Soul Nurture and Safe Place
Dr. Stan Smith, University Chaplain, introduces the role of the Office of University Chaplain to the Faculty and Staff (Part 2: Soul Nurture & Safe Place).
MU Chaplain Speaks on Fanning the Flame and Nurturing Community
Dr. Stan Smith, University Chaplain, introduces the role of the Office of University Chaplain to the Faculty and Staff (Part 1: Fan & Nurture).