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Day 1: Missional Christmas

A Christian on a Unique Mission

While the Christmas season is a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus – it is so much more. It is also a time to reflect on the significance of the story. God the Father sends his only son into the world to be born of a virgin. This promised one is “Emmanuel” – God with us. It is Jesus, God in human form, who now dwells among humankind. He moved into the neighborhood and became the tangible presence of the divine in our midst. We call this the “incarnational mission” of Jesus – a unique purpose for which he was sent.

“On the first day of Christmas, my Lord & Savior sent me:
A Christian on a Unique Mission”

However, just as God the Father sent his son, so too Jesus sends those who follow him. In John 20:21, Jesus says: “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so, I am sending you.” This sending applies to every Christian believer. Each person has been sent by Jesus to join in the mission of God in their families, neighborhoods, communities and around the world.

The Christmas story reminds us that all are sent on a similar “incarnational mission.” To live out the message of reconciliation right where we are.

At Missional University we train Christian believers to discover the mission for which they have been sent and to be equipped to fulfill that mission. Won’t you join us in equipping 21st-century believers to serve in the New Testament mission for which they have been sent? Check out the undergraduate and graduate certificate programs in New Testament Mission.

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