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Day 12: Missional Christmas

Twelve Followers Leading

When Jesus told his disciples that “as the Father has sent me, I am sending you,” they had no idea the extent to which they would be sent to serve in the mission of God in the world. Each of these followers of Jesus – average ordinary working people – would take the training they received and carry the message of good news to peoples across Africa, Asia, and Europe. They would transmit the mission and vision of the gospel to others who in turn would carry the message of redemption, reconciliation, and renewal further. Scholars have traced the steps of the disciples and the subsequent generations of followers for the next 500 years as their missional movement penetrated larger and larger geographical areas with the gospel of peace.

“On the twelfth day of Christmas, my Lord & Savior sent me:
Twelve Followers Leading,
Eleven Educational Innovating
Ten Statements Guiding,
Nine Experiences Learning,
Eight Schools Inspiring,
Seven Continents Teaching,
Six Missional Careers,
Five Missional Answers,
Four Educational Levels,
Three Intercultural Options,
Two Missional Opportunities,
and a Christian on a Unique Mission”

At Missional University twelve multinational and multicultural followers of Jesus serve as academic administrators who lead their faculties in the mission and vision of equipping grassroots, non-clergy missional leaders from across the globe. Using 21st-century technology, the online Administration Center has become a virtual hub of activity. Leaders from across the globe work together — through video conferencing in real time — recruiting and training faculty and creating curriculum including certificate and degree programs.

The online Academic Center sees the continuous activity of faculty at work with the Dean of Online Education and their Educational Technology Specialist in designing online courses that exceed quality standards – complete with an appropriate range of academic activities, assignments, and assessments.

Won’t you join us in supporting followers of Jesus who, through the use of technology, train and mobilize a new generation of missional leaders all across the globe?

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