Cytochrome c and c1 heme lyases are essential in Plasmodium berghei.
Malaria parasites possess a de novo heme synthetic pathway. Interestingly, this pathway is dispensable during the blood stages of development in mammalian hosts. The assembly of the two most important hemeproteins, cytochromes c and c1, is mediated by cytochrome heme lyase enzymes. Plasmodium spp. possess two cytochrome heme lyases encoded by separate genes. Given the redundancy of heme synthesis, […]

What Individuals Know, Do Not Know, and Need to Know about Watershed Health in an Urbanizing USA Midwestern city: A mental model approach
Individual decisions about actions one can take that both positively and negatively impact watershed health are important in a time of increased urban development. The aim of this study was to identify what individuals know, do not know, and need to know to make more informed decisions in a rapidly urbanizing watershed in Columbus, Ohio […]

Morality and spirituality: The missing link for economic development in the 21st century
Whilst religion may have been of relevance in the quest for material prosperity and economic advancement in the 16th century, it seems not to have such importance today. The declining rate of organised religion and the growth of secularism around the world progressively lead many to believe that if there is any truth particularly relevant […]

Pleasant places in the gospel according to St. John
Recently Dr. Fergus King published a journal article entitled, “Pleasant places in the gospel according to John: A classical motif as introit to theological awareness” in Pacifica: Australasian Theological Studies. This piece notes that the locus amoenus motif, common in both Graeco-Roman literature and art, may have provided a literary entry point through which non-Judaic readers might […]