Missionaries from everywhere to everywhere: A delphi study to identify the emerging roles of United States missionaries in the majority world
The geographic center of Christianity has shifted from the West. Countries once receiving missionaries are sending their own. What should be the roles of United States (US) missionaries serving in these countries? The current study identified the emerging roles of US missionaries serving in the Majority World through utilization of the Delphi method for consensus. The Majority World referred […]

Conversion in Missionary Christianity, Northwest Tanzania: A Critical Assessment of Methods & Their Impact on Haya Christian Life
Dr. Josephat Rweyemamu focused his interdisciplinary missiological dissertation on the post-conversion impact of pre-conversion methods among the Hay peoples of Africa. It engages the sociological theory of structuration to critically explore the missionary Christianity approach and methods of conversion in the Lutheran Church, Northwest Tanzania, and their impact on the Haya Christian life. To this end, […]

A Relationship-based Spiritual Formation Model for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities
Recently Dr. Wes Cohoon successfully defended his doctoral project on “A Relationship-based Spiritual Formation Model for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities.” The project came about from his work as a chaplain with adults who have intellectual disabilities. He summarizes the issues: Church leaders in a recent Barna Research Group Survey overwhelmingly linked spiritual disciplines with the following intellectual approaches: […]