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Day 5: Missional Christmas

Five Missional Answers

Across the Christmas story are questions and concerns that give voice to the emotions that were stirred and the very human responses of the participants to the events as they unfolded.

We see Mary and her doubt, “How will this be, since I am a virgin?”; the shepherds and their fear, “they were filled with great fear”; the search by the kings from the east: “Where is he who has been born king of the Jews?”; Simeon rejoicing at the temple: “now you are letting your servant depart in peace, according to your word, for my eyes have seen your salvation”; and Anna the prophetess giving “thanks to God and to speak of him to all who were waiting for the redemption of Jerusalem.” Natural raw emotion was on display as the participants sought answers to the significance of the Christmas story.

“On the fifth day of Christmas, my Lord & Savior sent me:
Five Missional Answers,
Four Educational Levels,
Three Intercultural Options,
Two Missional Opportunities,
and a Christian on a Unique Mission”

However, for Christmas 2018, what should the questions and concerns for the followers of Jesus be? We believe that on this side of the cross, Christian believers should be asking a very different set of questions, such as:

  • What is the mission of God in our world, and what is my role in it?
  • How do I grow spiritually, help other Christians to grow spiritually, and join other believers in engaging my community?
  • How do I share my faith in a conversational, non-confrontational way?
  • How do I equip my family to embody the message and image of Jesus in my community?
  • How do I live out my unique calling from God and equip other believers to do the same?

Faculty at Missional University have been busy answering these questions and have created a Certificate in Missional Praxis that answers each question, in-depth, through very practical and empowering courses. Students dive into the scripture to see the mission of God in action, develop mission-shaped spirituality and soul care practices, discover a conversational approach to talking with others from a worldview perspective, learn how to lead their families in missional living, and create mission-shaped disciplemaking approaches to lead others to follow Jesus into the world.

Won’t you join us in answering the key missional questions for 21st-century believers? Check out the associate, bachelor and master level certificate programs in Missional Praxis. And please, consider giving a donation so that Christian believers in Latin America, Africa, and Asia have an opportunity to attend also.

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