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Dr. Grace Han, Community Ministry

Dr. Grace Han

Dr. Grace Han

Professor of Creative Arts Therapy

International Experience: Australia, Canada, China, Croatia, Denmark, Hungary, Indonesia, Japan, Norway, Philippines, Russian Federation, Sweden, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United States

An innovative convergence educator, clinical researcher & supervisor, music therapist, teacher, singer, conductor and musical performer, Dr. Grace Han focuses her research on education, cognition, emotion, neuropsychology and therapeutic musical intervention as well as interdisciplinary convergence IT developments based on cultural arts contents. As a clinical researcher, she has explored the relation between music therapies and dementia, Parkinson’s disease, trauma, cognition, emotion, convergence IT, and virtual reality while serving at a hospital, medical foundation, and a university. As a certified music therapist, she has presented her clinical research at the Asian & Oceanian Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Congress (Philippines), Society of Music Perception & Cognition (US), the Asia-Pacific Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (Japan), International Association for Music & Medicine (China), Conference for Culture, Biography and Lifelong Learning (S. Korea), Korean Society of Music Perception & Cognition (S. Korea), World Congress of Music Therapy (Japan), Festival of Korea Music Therapy Education Association (S. Korea), Sing to Beat Parkinson Asia-Pacific Project, Griffith University (Australia), and the Koshin Music Therapy Association (Korea). Her journal articles have appeared in the Journal of Movement Disorder, Culture & Arts Education Studies, Aging & Mental Health, Journal of Rehabilitation Psychology, and Journal of Digital Convergence. Dr. Han designed inventions related to her musical therapy research and has been the developer for four patents, and the co-developer for three other patents. She is a licensed National Music Educator, Certified Music Therapist, and National Culture & Art Instructor in Korea. Dr. Han and her family live in New Jersey, USA.

For More Information see the Missional University Catalog (Dual Enrollment, Undergraduate, Graduate)

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