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Dr. Sara Blakeney, Professor of Millennial Faith & Culture

Dr. Sara Blakeney
Professor of Millennial Faith & Culture
Millennial Spiritual Formation Specialist
International Experience:  Cuba, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Ireland, Jamaica, Namibia, USA

We are thrilled that Sara Blakeney has joined Missional University as a Professor of Millennial Faith & Culture. She is a specialist in Millennial spiritual formation and has a passion for writing and speaking about spiritual renewal and intimacy with God. Sara is the author of Ready for More: How Millennials Like you are Destined to Change the Church. She is currently working toward her PhD in Divinity from the University of Aberdeen in Scotland and holds an MA from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Sara brings over 20 years of ministry experience, most of it to the Millennial generation, including teaching, counseling, preaching, and missions. Sara and her husband live in Fort Worth, Texas.

For More Information see the Missional University Catalog (Dual Enrollment Academy, Undergraduate, Graduate)

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