Dr. Zacharias Kotze
Professor of Hebrew Language and Literature
International Experience: Czechia, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Lesotho, Maldives, Mozambique, Poland, Russian Federation, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Uzbekistan, Zambia, Zimbabwe
With almost a decade teaching in colleges, universities and seminaries, Dr. Kotze has a rich experience teaching biblical and ancient studies including Hebrew language studies. He has extended his knowledge of ancient languages to include Greek, Aramaic, Ugaritic, Akkadian, and Sumerian. Studies in France, Germany and Switzerland enabled him to gain languages skills in French and German. He has published scholarly articles in Hervormde Teologiese Studies, African and Asian Studies, Sociológia – Slovak Sociological Review, Journal of Religion and Health, Antiguo Oriente, Journal for Semitics, Old Testament Essays, Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, and Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages. He has given academic presentations at the Association for the Study of Religion in Southern Africa, Annual Congress of the Southern African Society for Near Eastern Studies, European Association of Biblical Studies, Russian State University for the Humanities, Research Meeting of the Cognitive Sciences Project at UNISA, Linguistic Series Seminar. University of the Free State, South Africa, and the Colloquium for the Study of Cognitive Linguistics at UNISA. Dr. Kotze and his family reside in South Africa.
For More Information see the Missional University Catalog (Dual Enrollment, Undergraduate, Graduate)