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Day 11: Missional Christmas

Eleven Educational Innovating

Fourteen times in the gospels Jesus is referred to as a “rabbi” or master teacher. True to the rabbinical tradition, Jesus proclaimed divine law, taught in the synagogues, gathered disciples in his teaching, debated with the scribes, was asked to settle legal disputes, sat as he taught (which was a typical rabbinic practice), and supported his teaching by referencing the Hebrew scriptures.

However, Jesus also brought a number of innovations to his educational practice – and became a “disruptor” in rabbinical teaching methods. He taught out of doors, and he taught women, tax collectors, sinners, and children. Jesus not only taught concepts – but modeled their application in real life so that his followers could learn. He used a case study method of demonstrating principles in action. He called upon his followers to learn how to think and do for themselves. He called his disciples to follow Him – not just his teachings. And he sent and commissioned his followers to serve in the mission of God not only in their local areas but across the globe.

“On the eleventh day of Christmas, my Lord & Savior sent me:
Eleven Educational Innovating,
Ten Statements Guiding,
Nine Experiences Learning,
Eight Schools Inspiring,
Seven Continents Teaching,
Six Missional Careers,
Five Missional Answers,
Four Educational Levels,
Three Intercultural Options,
Two Missional Opportunities,
and a Christian on a Unique Mission”

Today, Missional University has also been called a “disruptor” – introducing educational innovation into higher Christian education by identifying gaps or openings in education that others fail to see. Missional University is NOT a Christian liberal arts university, a bible college, or a seminary. Each of these established approaches fails to deliver non-clergy Christians who understand their call to serve in the mission of God in the world, have identified the mission to which they have been called, and are prepared to serve in that mission.

Won’t you join us in equipping Christians to serve in the mission of God? Check out our educational innovation: it is a game changer. The comparative chart provides an overview of 11 educational innovations – a new paradigm in Christian higher education.

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