FREE Jumpstart to a Missional New Year
Jumpstart a Missional New Year Free Course. Limited Seats. Happy New Year! We are so excited about this that we wanted to pass this on to you right away. We have cohorts forming to take a course by Prof. David Brazzeal on missional spirituality starting in January and in March. We decided to offer this […]
Introducing the School of Experiential Learning
Dr. Elsie Cook Dean, School of Experiential Learning Professor of Organizational Leadership

Remembering Billy Graham, the Modesto Manifesto 70 Years Later
As an aspiring scholar at Taylor Seminary (Canada) more than a decade ago, I vividly remember my enthusiasm in writing a biographical-paper assignment on Billy Graham—I greatly admired Billy, and it was an opportunity for me to know more about him. I ended up handing in 18 pages, instead of the required 8 pages! We will […]

“Divine Providence or Good Luck?: A Biblical Theology of Providence Compared with ‘Chance’ and ‘Good Luck’ in Greco-Roman and African Traditions.”
Dr. Matthew Michael presents a biblical theology of providence by exploring the theological tensions between divine determinism and the beliefs in ‘chance’ and ‘good luck’ in Greco-Roman and traditional African worldviews. It also situates the discourse in the template of biblical theology and other defining theological works. Finally, the paper explores the distinctive character of […]

Luk Thung: The Culture and Politics of Thailand’s Most Popular Music
Since the 1960s, the hybrid popular music called luk thung has embodied the aspirations, frustrations, and sorrows of Thailand’s working class. Global scholarship, however, has been slow in examining this seminal genre. In this pioneering book, ethnomusicologist James Mitchell explores the many facets of luk thung through ethnographic research with singers, songwriters, fans, and other professionals. The groundbreaking final […]

Cytochrome c and c1 heme lyases are essential in Plasmodium berghei.
Malaria parasites possess a de novo heme synthetic pathway. Interestingly, this pathway is dispensable during the blood stages of development in mammalian hosts. The assembly of the two most important hemeproteins, cytochromes c and c1, is mediated by cytochrome heme lyase enzymes. Plasmodium spp. possess two cytochrome heme lyases encoded by separate genes. Given the redundancy of heme synthesis, […]

Predicting Youth Sexual Deviance: The Case of Risky Sexual Behaviour among Ghanaian Adolescents
For over two decades now, much has been learned about the scourge of the HIV/AIDS pandemic and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), especially in the most advanced societies. But although sub-Saharan Africa continues to bear the brunt of the global HIV/AIDS pandemic and other sexually transmitted diseases, very few studies in the region and for […]

What Individuals Know, Do Not Know, and Need to Know about Watershed Health in an Urbanizing USA Midwestern city: A mental model approach
Individual decisions about actions one can take that both positively and negatively impact watershed health are important in a time of increased urban development. The aim of this study was to identify what individuals know, do not know, and need to know to make more informed decisions in a rapidly urbanizing watershed in Columbus, Ohio […]

Reprocessing Multiyear GPS Data from Continuously Operating Reference Stations on Cloud Computing Platform
Dr. Sungpil Yoon gave a poster presentation at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting in San Francisco on reprocessing multiyear GPS data. To define geodetic reference frame using GPS data collected by Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS) network, historical GPS data needs to be reprocessed regularly. Reprocessing GPS data collected by upto 2000 CORS sites for […]

Missionaries from everywhere to everywhere: A delphi study to identify the emerging roles of United States missionaries in the majority world
The geographic center of Christianity has shifted from the West. Countries once receiving missionaries are sending their own. What should be the roles of United States (US) missionaries serving in these countries? The current study identified the emerging roles of US missionaries serving in the Majority World through utilization of the Delphi method for consensus. The Majority World referred […]